................................................................... IMPORTANT :- This program is shipped with the date format pre-set ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ to Month/Day/Year. If you use the format Day/Month/Year you must configure for this before using the program - See the first paragraph in "Instructions" on the program main menu. ..................................................................... Easy Software Petty-Cash ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Petty-Cash has now been installed in a directory of your choice. You can start Petty-Cash now by pressing Esc followed by Enter. To start Petty-Cash later, either use the "Run" command for PCASH.EXE or double click on PCASH.EXE in Filemanager/Explorer or change to the PCASH directory and type PCASH at the DOS prompt. Thank you for choosing Easy Software. Press Esc to exit install. ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ